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What we do

If you already have a campus recruiting team in place and need fresh eyes on your university recruiting strategy and internship program, look no further.


With 20 years of intern program design, university recruiting experience and using data analytics to measure the health of your recruitment strategy, Intern Sherpa is skilled in identifying what's holding your UR efforts back.  Let us help you get maximum ROI on your university recruiting and internship program.


Recruit from the right universities and the right times

Improve intern conversion and rehire rates

Reduce travel and recruitment expenses on campus

Improve offer acceptances and reduce reneged offers

Improve your on campus brand


Our process

Our initial assessment begins with gathering data, both quantitative and qualitative.  In talking with the major stakeholders of your university recruitment program and digging through your historical hiring numbers, we can get a holistic understanding of how and why you hire interns and new grads.  We look at three major areas to determine the quality of your intern and new grad hires,


Offer acceptance rate

Intern and new grad performance rates

Conversion and retention


If your business is not tracking this data, we'll show you what data to measure and why it is important.  You won't know if your efforts are improving (or worth it) unless you create metrics for assessment.  We can show you how.​​


Our areas of expertise include recruitment strategies for businesses pursuing BS/MS/PhD students in the following disciplines:


Computer Science

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Automotive Engineering

Data Science/Analytics

Management Science 

Recruitment Strategy

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